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Campus Life
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National Dong Hwa University is located in Shoufeng, a quaint township about fifteen kilometers south of Hualien City about thirty-five kilometers south of the world-renowned Taroko Gorge National Park. In all, the University campus and surrounding grounds total to more than 251 hectares (650 acres). Nestled between the Coastal Mountain Range and the Central Mountain Range in the verdant and pristine Papaya Creek Delta, the University is situated in a spectacularly beautiful natural environment. The air is pure and clean, and the campus possesses a tranquil and peaceful quality.

The meticulously detailed blueprints that would be later transformed into National Dong Hwa University entailed a comprehensive plan for a fully integrated campus that would achieve the highest standards of architectural harmony. Architectural clusters arranged according to a carefully-coordinated color scheme merge to create a multi-layered and fully-functional learning and living space. Flowing water, miniature lakes, and swaths of greenery offer students and faculty a welcomed respite from the worries, hassles and pressures of day-to-day life.

In addition to serving as an academic space that fosters free thought and intellectual creativity, however, the spacious National Dong Hwa University campus also encourages students to participate in various athletic endeavors. Located at the northern end of the campus and consisting of more than fifty hectares, the campus sports and recreation area is equipped for a full range of activities ranging from golf, swimming, tennis and volleyball to track-and-field.

The thousands of scholars and tourists who visit National Dong Hwa University each year unanimously agree that the University has been endowed with the most spacious and naturally scenic university campus in all of Taiwan. This is evident when one considers the fact that the University is not only the major hub of much of the intellectual and cultural activity in the Hualien area, but also one of East Taiwan's most oft-visited tourist sites, as well.

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